Thunder Harbinger

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This article describes historical game content.

The monster is removed from The Ancient Pyramid and probably no longer in-game

Thunder Harbinger
Thunder Harbinger
Thunder Harbinger
Location(s) N/A
Resistance(s) Resists lightning damage
Skill(s) lightning damage projectile

Thunder Harbinger is a type of lightning damage skeleton mage.


Only the cold and fire LMP mages are called "Harbinger": (Flame and Frost Harbinger). The lightning damage variant is called Thunder Champion;

The Flame and Frost "Champion" are melee skeletons equipped with a shield. The lightning damage melee skeleton with a shield, shares the name Thunder Guardian with its no shield variant;

Thunder Harbinger is a normal lightning damage skeleton mage that current has no natural area to spawn in acts, after it was removed from The Ancient Pyramid;

In the current version of The Caverns (the Ancient Pyramid subarea only) and The Ancient Pyramid, the monster packs contain skeleton magi that are called Flame/Frost/Thunder Archmage.

All 3 LMP skeleton magi are also absent in The Ancient Pyramid, but Flame/Frost Harbingers, and its lightning LMP variant Thunder Champion are part of the monster packs of The Coward's TrialThe Coward's Trial
Cursed Crypt Map
Map Level: 74
Map Tier: 7
Guild Character: Å
Contains waves of Monsters
Contains additional waves of Undead Monsters
<0 to 7 random additional waves modifiers>
For his sins he was hunted in his sleep,
judgement wrought of twisted nightmare.
The Coward bound his dreams to stone, awaiting
another to walk the path of true atonement.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
, leaving only Thunder Harbinger apparently removed from the game entirely.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Removed from The Ancient Pyramid [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Monster elemental resistances have been reworked. Many of the more common monsters types no longer have resistances in Normal difficulty. Some more challenging monster types will have resistances and Unique monsters will have a large amount of an appropriate resistance. All main questline, Map and corrupted area bosses have elemental and chaos resistance, though at a lower value.
  • Thunder Harbinger now only resists lightning damage, instead of all 3 elemental damage. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Skeleton casters now extinguish their hands when they die.
  • Some Skeleton casters in the Cruel difficulty were set at the wrong difficulty.
  • Fixed idle animation of Skeleton casters (and made it not play at the wrong time).
  • Skeleton casters cast 30% slower now.
  • Skeleton caster attacks are now a lot stronger in higher difficulties. Get resistances.
  • Added Skeleton casters to many areas (ranged elemental foes).

See also