Vaal Repository

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Vaal Repository
Relic Vault
Time is a river, forking forever into infinite unknowns.
Nothing is ever truly gone.
It is merely taking a different route to the sea.

Vaal Repository is a unique Relic Vault that can be found in the Vaal Reliquary. It does not spawn monsters when opened, as it is not a strongbox. For the same reason, Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again., Engineer's OrbEngineer's OrbStack Size: 20Improves the quality of a StrongboxRight click this item then left click a Strongbox to apply it. Has greater effect on lower rarity Strongboxes. The maximum quality is 20%. and Infused Engineer's OrbInfused Engineer's OrbStack Size: 20Greatly improves the quality and rewards of a Strongbox and strengthens its defendersRight click this item then left click a Strongbox to apply it. are not allowed to use on this loot container.

The key to the area, Vaal Reliquary KeyVaal Reliquary KeyAmbition followed progress,
Vanity followed passion,
Hubris followed intellect...
And silence followed all.
Travel to the Vaal Reliquary by using this item in a personal Map Device. Can only be used once.
, is a time limited drop.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.