Vaal Ice Nova

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Template:Gem Infobox

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Skill Functions and Interactions

Gem level progression

Template:GemLevelTable |- ! 1 | 1 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A || 8 || 3–5 || 70 |- ! 2 | 2 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A || 9 || 4–6 || 308 |- ! 3 | 4 || 16 || 10 || 4–7 || 2,560 |- ! 4 | 8 || 25 || 11 || 6–10 || 8,813 |- ! 5 | 12 || 33 || 14 || 9–14 || 22,895 |- ! 6 | 16 || 41 || 16 || 12–18 || 68,427 |- ! 7 | 21 || 52 || 19 || 16–25 || 150,439 |- ! 8 | 26 || 62 || 22 || 22–34 || 581,328 |- ! 9 | 32 || 75 || 25 || 30–47 || 566,989 |- ! 10 | 38 || 88 || 28 || 41–65 || 1,143,783 |- ! 11 | 42 || 96 || 31 || 50–79 || 1,426,490 |- ! 12 | 46 || 104 || 33 || 61–95 || 2,737,323 |- ! 13 | 49 || 111 || 34 || 70–110 || 3,289,072 |- ! 14 | 52 || 117 || 36 || 81–126 || 3,351,223 |- ! 15 | 55 || 123 || 37 || 92–144 || 9,936,267 |- ! 16 | 58 || 130 || 38 || 105–165 || 21,346,397 |- ! 17 | 61 || 136 || 39 || 120–188 || 50,694,186 |- ! 18 | 64 || 142 || 39 || 137–214 || 90,050,815 |- ! 19 | 66 || 146 || 40 || 149–233 || 147,034,823 |- ! 20 | 68 || 151 || 40 || 162–253 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 21 | 68 || 151 || 41 || 176–276 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 22 | 68 || 151 || 41 || 192–300 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 23 | 68 || 151 || 42 || 208–325 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 24 | 68 || 151 || 42 || 226–353 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 25 | 68 || 151 || 43 || 245–383 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 26 | 68 || 151 || 43 || 266–416 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 27 | 68 || 151 || 44 || 288–450 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 28 | 68 || 151 || 44 || 312–488 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 29 | 68 || 151 || 45 || 338–528 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 30 | 68 || 151 || 45 || 366–572 || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |}

Video Demonstration

Version History

Version Changes
  • Vaal Skill soul counts were initially balanced for Merciless difficulty, where there are more monsters. We want them to be easier to use in Normal and Cruel difficulty. We have halved the number of souls required for each skill. In Cruel difficulty, skills require 50% more souls to uses. In Merciless difficulty, they require 100% more (which is the same as before the patch).
  • Introduced to the game.