Steam-powered Boots

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Steam-powered BootsBoots SkinChanges the appearance of any equipped boots to the Steam-powered boots.
Item class: Cosmetic Item
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/MicrotransactionItemEffects/MicrotransactionSteampunkBoots

The Steam-powered Boots is a boots skin that can be purchased in the shop for 70 points.

It is available to purchase for $36 USD as part of a bundle that also includes Steam-powered HelmetSteam-powered HelmetHelmet SkinChanges the appearance of any equipped headdress to the Steam-powered helmet., Gem-powered Body ArmourGem-powered Body ArmourArmour SkinChanges the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Gem-powered body armour., Steam-powered GlovesSteam-powered GlovesGloves SkinChanges the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Steam-powered gloves., Steam-powered Engine Back AttachmentSteam-powered Engine Back AttachmentArmour AttachmentAdds the Steam-powered Engine Back Attachment to the equipped body armour., and a digital copy of the Path of Exile: Origins comic book issue #3, Death to Sin.[1]


Version history

Version Changes
  • Added to the game.

See also


  1. Chris (January 22, 2015). "Path of Exile Digital Comic Issue #3 Now for Sale!". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved November 18, 2023.