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Template:Gem Infobox Cast on Critical Strike is a trigger gem that causes a linked spell to activate when the player rolls a critical strike with the attack skill it is linked to.

The chance to cast is rolled separately for each enemy you scored a critical hit on, so it is possible to get multiple casts on one skill use if you hit multiple enemies and are lucky enough.

In case of multiple spells linked to one attack skill this support will roll its chance to cast for each spell separately, so it's possible to cast either one of them, both, or none.

Skill Functions and Interactions

Cooldown Time: When a supported spell is successfully cast, it and all supported spells of the same name are put on cooldown for 10 milliseconds. This means that a given spell can only trigger once per critical strike, and reduces the effect of linking multiple copies of the same spell to this support (especially when it is at a higher gem level). It is important to note that this cooldown does not apply to the gem as whole; you can trigger multiple spells within the 10 millisecond cooldown time as long as they are different.

Gem level progression

Template:GemLevelTable |- ! 1 | 31 || 33 || 23 || 30% || 179,320 |- ! 2 | 33 || 35 || 24 || 32% || 225,766 |- ! 3 | 35 || 37 || 25 || 34% || 282,073 |- ! 4 | 37 || 39 || 27 || 36% || 349,759 |- ! 5 | 39 || 40 || 28 || 38% || 431,204 |- ! 6 | 41 || 42 || 29 || 40% || 528,465 |- ! 7 | 43 || 44 || 31 || 42% || 644,165 |- ! 8 | 45 || 46 || 32 || 44% || 782,325 |- ! 9 | 47 || 48 || 33 || 46% || 945,554 |- ! 10 | 49 || 50 || 35 || 48% || 1,138,377 |- ! 11 | 51 || 52 || 36 || 50% || 1,368,233 |- ! 12 | 53 || 54 || 37 || 52% || 1,638,338 |- ! 13 | 55 || 56 || 39 || 54% || 1,956,648 |- ! 14 | 57 || 57 || 40 || 56% || 2,329,968 |- ! 15 | 59 || 59 || 41 || 58% || 9,826,462 |- ! 16 | 61 || 61 || 43 || 60% || 21,126,787 |- ! 17 | 63 || 63 || 44 || 62% || 50,254,966 |- ! 18 | 65 || 65 || 45 || 64% || 98,391,985 |- ! 19 | 67 || 67 || 46 || 66% || 146,266,188 |- ! 20 | 69 || 69 || 48 || 68% || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |}

Quest reward

This skill can be gained as a reward for finishing quest:


Linking with other skills

At a bare minimum, a Cast On Critical Strike setup will require three gems: an attack, Cast On Critical Strike itself, and a spell to be triggered. This generally leaves at most three other supports that may be linked. If possible, the supports should both increase the number of times Cast On Critical Strike triggers, and increase the effectiveness of the triggered spells. Note that Cast On Critical Strike cannot trigger more than once per frame, so staggered hits (e.g. multiple projectiles) are preferred to simultaneous hits (e.g. most area of effect damage) which will only proc at most once per explosion.


By far the most popular family of Cast on Critical Strike setups, projectile Cast On Critical Strike focuses on the projectile keyword. Popular attacks for this purpose include:

  • Spectral Throw: Naturally staggers hits, automatic pierce, allows the use of melee weapons at range.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Barrage". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileBarrageStrDexMasterAlly - Deals 50% less Damage, Fires Projectiles sequentially, Fires 12 additional Projectiles, 40% less Attack Speed (page)
    ExileBarrageStrDexMasterAlly2 - Deals 50% less Damage, Fires Projectiles sequentially, Fires 45 additional Projectiles, 75% less Attack Speed (page)
    : Causes a large number of sequential hits per attack.
  • Power Siphon: Naturally produces power charges.
  • Split Arrow: Naturally large number of projectiles.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Tornado Shot". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BeyondDemonTornadoShot - Deals (-10-30)% less Damage, Fires (0-2) additional Projectiles, Fires +3 secondary Projectiles (page)
    WbTornadoShot - Deals (20-60)% less Damage, Fires (0-4) additional Projectiles, Fires +3 secondary Projectiles (page)
    : Piercing on initial arrow(s) and produces three times as many subprojectiles.
  • Molten Strike: Magma balls generally hit on different frames, causing a large number of hits.
  • Lightning Strike: Three projectiles plus the initial hit.

Support skills that affect both the number of hits and crits projectile attacks generate and affect projectile spells include:

  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Greater Multiple Projectiles"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Chain"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Projectiles" for Spectral Throw and certain spells
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Fork"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Pierce"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Power Charge On Critical"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Increased Critical Strikes"

Useful projectile spells and their support limitations include:

  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Arctic Breath": Does not explode on pierce, fork, or chain.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ball Lightning". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileBallLightningTrap - Deals (1-110) to (2-204) Lightning Damage, When your Traps Trigger, your nearby Traps also Trigger, Trap lasts +6 seconds, Traps are thrown randomly around targeted location, 200% reduced Projectile Speed, Throw up to (6-10) additional Traps, Base radius is 1.8 metres (page)
    StrMissionBallLightning - Deals (1-166) to (2-309) Lightning Damage, Totem lasts 8 seconds, Summons a Totem which uses this Skill, 50% increased Cast Speed, Base radius is 1.8 metres (page)
    : Not affected by pierce, fork, or chain; hit rate limited per cast, not per projectile.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ethereal Knives". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    WraithEtherealKnives - Deals (192-692) to (288-1038) Physical Damage, Deals 15% less Damage, 25% reduced Cast Speed, 25% increased Projectile Speed, Fires 9 additional Projectiles (page)
    MonsterEtherealKnives - Deals (24-625) to (36-937) Physical Damage, 20% less Cast Speed, (0-25)% increased Projectile Speed, Fires 9 additional Projectiles (page)
    : Little benefit from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Greater Multiple Projectiles" but more from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Projectiles".
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Fireball". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MonsterFireball - Deals (10-1810) to (15-2808) Fire Damage, Base radius is 0.9 metres (page)
    MonsterFireballContactPos - Deals (10-1810) to (15-2808) Fire Damage, Base radius is 0.9 metres (page)
    : Does not explode on pierce, fork, or chain.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Freezing Pulse". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MonsterFreezingPulseWhirlwind - Deals (4-736) to (6-1105) Cold Damage, Projectiles Pierce all Targets (page)
    WbFreezingPulse - Deals (5-639) to (8-958) Cold Damage, Projectiles Pierce all Targets, (0-60)% increased Cast Speed, (10-40)% increased Projectile Speed (page)
    : Benefits from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Projectiles".
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ice Spear". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MountainGoatmanIceSpear - Deals (134-595) to (201-893) Cold Damage (page)
    IceSpearRoyale - Deals (14-124) to (21-186) Cold Damage, Fires +2 Projectiles, Second form has 400% increased Critical Strike Chance, Second form has +(30-39)% to Critical Strike Multiplier, Second form has 150% more Projectile Speed (page)
    : Already pierces in first form.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Spark". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    FireTailSpark - Base duration is 2.00 seconds, Deals 6 to 9 Fire Damage, Fires Projectiles in a circle, 25% increased Projectile Speed, Fires 8 additional Projectiles (page)
    SanctumMiniFlamenado - Base duration is 3.00 seconds, Deals 1 to 1 Fire Damage, 60% reduced Projectile Speed, Fires 10 additional Projectiles (page)
    : Less benefit from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Greater Multiple Projectiles" but more from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Projectiles".

Extra spells may be used in place of supports.


Another possibility is to use attacks to trigger minions, which benefit from attack skills. In addition to the projectile skills listed before, we have some other good choices:

  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Double Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    AxisDoubleStrikeTrigger - N/A (page)
    MonsterDoubleStrike - N/A (page)
    : Causes two hits per attack, only uses main hand when dual-wielding.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cyclone". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    SabreSpiderDaemonCyclone - N/A (page)
    SabreSpiderDaemonCycloneRuin - N/A (page)
    : Causes staggered hits rapidly.

Minions generally have poor critical strike capabilities, so critical strike supports are not as effective as they are with projectile spells. Good attack supports include:

  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Additional Accuracy": Improves minion accuracy greatly, removes the need for accuracy on gear, and quality gives extra critical strike chance.
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Attacks"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Melee Splash": While it does not increase procs much due to the splash happening on a single frame, it greatly improves minion effectiveness.
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Multistrike": For Melee attacks.

Most minions are severely capped in number and thus do not benefit much from the high proc rate of Cast On Critical Strike. However, there is one that works well:

  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Summon Raging Spirit". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    SummonRagingSpiritRoyale - Maximum 10 Summoned Raging Spirits, Base duration is 4.00 seconds, Minions deal 20% less Damage, Minions cannot Taunt Enemies (page)
    AshwakerSummonRagingSpiritOnKill - Maximum 20 Summoned Raging Spirits, Base duration is 5.00 seconds, 25% chance to Trigger this Spell on Kill, Minions deal 18% more Damage, Minions cannot Taunt Enemies (page)

Version history

Version Changes
  • The chance to cast has been reduced by a flat 20% at all levels.
  • Cast on Critical Strike now has a 10 millisecond cooldown. The chance to cast supported skills has been increased by a flat 20%.
  • The Cast on Crit support gem has been renamed to Cast on Critical Strike
  • Cast on Crit has been added to the game.