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Template:Gem Infobox Cast on Critical Strike (commonly referred to as CoC) is a trigger gem that causes a linked spell to activate when the player rolls a critical strike with the attack skill it is linked to.

The chance to cast is rolled separately for each enemy you scored a critical hit on, so it is possible to get multiple casts on one skill use if you hit multiple enemies and are lucky enough.

In case of multiple spells linked to one attack skill this support will roll its chance to cast for each spell separately, so it's possible to cast either one of them, both, or none.

Skill Functions and Interactions

Cooldown Time: When a supported spell is successfully cast, it and all supported spells of the same name are put on cooldown for 50 milliseconds. This means that a given spell can only trigger once per critical strike, and reduces the effect of linking multiple copies of the same spell to this support (especially when it is at a higher gem level). It is important to note that this cooldown does not apply to the gem as whole; you can trigger multiple spells within the 50 millisecond cooldown time as long as they are different.

Gem level progression

Template:GemLevelTable |- ! 1 | 31 || 33 || 23 || 30% || 179,320 |- ! 2 | 33 || 35 || 24 || 32% || 225,766 |- ! 3 | 35 || 37 || 25 || 34% || 282,073 |- ! 4 | 37 || 39 || 27 || 36% || 349,759 |- ! 5 | 39 || 40 || 28 || 38% || 431,204 |- ! 6 | 41 || 42 || 29 || 40% || 528,465 |- ! 7 | 43 || 44 || 31 || 42% || 644,165 |- ! 8 | 45 || 46 || 32 || 44% || 782,325 |- ! 9 | 47 || 48 || 33 || 46% || 945,554 |- ! 10 | 49 || 50 || 35 || 48% || 1,138,377 |- ! 11 | 51 || 52 || 36 || 50% || 1,368,233 |- ! 12 | 53 || 54 || 37 || 52% || 1,638,338 |- ! 13 | 55 || 56 || 39 || 54% || 1,956,648 |- ! 14 | 57 || 57 || 40 || 56% || 2,329,968 |- ! 15 | 59 || 59 || 41 || 58% || 9,826,462 |- ! 16 | 61 || 61 || 43 || 60% || 21,126,787 |- ! 17 | 63 || 63 || 44 || 62% || 50,254,966 |- ! 18 | 65 || 65 || 45 || 64% || 98,391,985 |- ! 19 | 67 || 67 || 46 || 66% || 146,266,188 |- ! 20 | 69 || 69 || 48 || 68% || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |- ! 21 | 71 || 71 || 49 || 70% || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |}

Quest reward

This skill can be gained as a reward for finishing quest:


Linking with other skills

At a bare minimum, a Cast On Critical Strike setup will require three gems: an attack, Cast On Critical Strike itself, and a spell to be triggered. This generally leaves at most three other supports that may be linked. If possible, the supports should both increase the number of times Cast On Critical Strike triggers, and increase the effectiveness of the triggered spells. Note that Cast On Critical Strike cannot trigger more than once per frame, so staggered hits (e.g. multiple projectiles) are preferred to simultaneous hits (e.g. most area of effect damage) which will only proc at most once per attack.


By far the most popular family of Cast on Critical Strike setups, projectile Cast On Critical Strike focuses on the projectile keyword. Popular attacks for this purpose include:

  • Spectral Throw: Naturally staggers hits, automatic pierce, allows the use of melee weapons at range.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Barrage". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileBarrageStrDexMasterAlly - Deals 50% less Damage, Fires Projectiles sequentially, Fires 12 additional Projectiles, 40% less Attack Speed (page)
    ExileBarrageStrDexMasterAlly2 - Deals 50% less Damage, Fires Projectiles sequentially, Fires 45 additional Projectiles, 75% less Attack Speed (page)
    : Causes a large number of sequential hits per attack.
  • Power Siphon: Naturally produces power charges.
  • Split Arrow: Naturally large number of projectiles.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Tornado Shot". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BeyondDemonTornadoShot - Deals (-10-30)% less Damage, Fires (0-2) additional Projectiles, Fires +3 secondary Projectiles (page)
    WbTornadoShot - Deals (20-60)% less Damage, Fires (0-4) additional Projectiles, Fires +3 secondary Projectiles (page)
    : Piercing on initial arrow(s) and produces three times as many subprojectiles.
  • Molten Strike: Magma balls generally hit on different frames, causing a large number of hits.
  • Lightning Strike: Three projectiles plus the initial hit.

Support skills that affect both the number of hits and crits projectile attacks generate and affect projectile spells include:

  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Greater Multiple Projectiles"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Chain"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Projectiles" for Spectral Throw and certain spells
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Fork"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Pierce"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Power Charge On Critical"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Increased Critical Strikes"

Useful projectile spells and their support limitations include:

  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Arctic Breath": Does not explode on pierce, fork, or chain.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ball Lightning". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileBallLightningTrap - Deals (1-110) to (2-204) Lightning Damage, When your Traps Trigger, your nearby Traps also Trigger, Trap lasts +6 seconds, Traps are thrown randomly around targeted location, 200% reduced Projectile Speed, Throw up to (6-10) additional Traps, Base radius is 1.8 metres (page)
    StrMissionBallLightning - Deals (1-166) to (2-309) Lightning Damage, Totem lasts 8 seconds, Summons a Totem which uses this Skill, 50% increased Cast Speed, Base radius is 1.8 metres (page)
    : Not affected by pierce, fork, or chain; hit rate limited per cast, not per projectile.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ethereal Knives". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    WraithEtherealKnives - Deals (192-692) to (288-1038) Physical Damage, Deals 15% less Damage, 25% reduced Cast Speed, 25% increased Projectile Speed, Fires 9 additional Projectiles (page)
    MonsterEtherealKnives - Deals (24-625) to (36-937) Physical Damage, 20% less Cast Speed, (0-25)% increased Projectile Speed, Fires 9 additional Projectiles (page)
    : Little benefit from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Greater Multiple Projectiles" but more from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Projectiles".
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Fireball". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MonsterFireball - Deals (10-1810) to (15-2808) Fire Damage, Base radius is 0.9 metres (page)
    MonsterFireballContactPos - Deals (10-1810) to (15-2808) Fire Damage, Base radius is 0.9 metres (page)
    : Does not explode on pierce, fork, or chain.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Freezing Pulse". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MonsterFreezingPulseWhirlwind - Deals (4-736) to (6-1105) Cold Damage, Projectiles Pierce all Targets (page)
    WbFreezingPulse - Deals (5-639) to (8-958) Cold Damage, Projectiles Pierce all Targets, (0-60)% increased Cast Speed, (10-40)% increased Projectile Speed (page)
    : Benefits from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Projectiles".
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ice Spear". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MountainGoatmanIceSpear - Deals (134-595) to (201-893) Cold Damage (page)
    IceSpearRoyale - Deals (14-124) to (21-186) Cold Damage, Fires +2 Projectiles, Second form has 400% increased Critical Strike Chance, Second form has +(30-39)% to Critical Strike Multiplier, Second form has 150% more Projectile Speed (page)
    : Already pierces in first form.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Spark". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    FireTailSpark - Base duration is 2.00 seconds, Deals 6 to 9 Fire Damage, Fires Projectiles in a circle, 25% increased Projectile Speed, Fires 8 additional Projectiles (page)
    SanctumMiniFlamenado - Base duration is 3.00 seconds, Deals 1 to 1 Fire Damage, 60% reduced Projectile Speed, Fires 10 additional Projectiles (page)
    : Less benefit from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Greater Multiple Projectiles" but more from Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Projectiles".

A second spell may satisfactorily be used in place of a support.

Area of Effect

There is one AoE skill which is not instant and therefore can trigger many spell activations per one attack with Cast on Crit setup - Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ground Slam". Please choose only one of the following ids:
AxisBossGroundSlam - N/A (page)
DropBearSummonedGroundSlam - N/A (page)
. Increasing AoE will increases the number of enemies hit, which in turn increases the number of spell activations.

It works well with spells which have Area of Effect component, such as:

  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ice Nova". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BeyondDemonBlindNova - Blind enemies on hit, Base radius is 2.6 metres (page)
    TormentDaemonBlindNova - Blind enemies on hit, Base radius is 2.6 metres (page)
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Glacial Cascade". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MonsterGlacialCascadeTotemBossStrMission - Deals (1-16) to (1-24) Physical Damage, Deals (2-29) to (2-44) Cold Damage, (0-40)% increased Cast Speed, Causes +(6-11) Bursts (page)
    MineBatAbyssVomitCascade - Deals (1-53) to (2-82) Physical Damage, Deals (3-98) to (4-150) Cold Damage, Causes +5 Bursts (page)
  • Flame Surge
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cold Snap". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MonsterColdSnap - Deals (10-2495) to (14-3736) Cold Damage, 10% chance to Freeze enemies (page)
    WetaColdSnapOnDeath - Deals (11-5871) to (16-8806) Cold Damage, Base duration is 5.00 seconds, Deals (7.4-4077) Base Cold Damage per second, (0-10)% chance to Freeze enemies, (1-100)% more Effect of Chill, Base radius is 3 metres, Base secondary radius is 1.5 metres, Base tertiary radius is 3 metres (page)

Support gems which can benefit this setup are:

  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Multistrike"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Increased Area of Effect"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Concentrated Effect"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Power Charge On Critical"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Increased Critical Strikes"

The notable disadvantage of this approach is that Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ground Slam". Please choose only one of the following ids:
AxisBossGroundSlam - N/A (page)
DropBearSummonedGroundSlam - N/A (page)
gets only one spell activation max per enemy, so for singletarget situations a player will generally require another skill, such as Molten Strike.


Another possibility is to use attacks to trigger minions, which benefit from attack supports. In addition to the projectile skills listed before, we have some other good choices:

  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Double Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    AxisDoubleStrikeTrigger - N/A (page)
    MonsterDoubleStrike - N/A (page)
    : Causes two hits per attack, only uses main hand when dual-wielding.
  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cyclone". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    SabreSpiderDaemonCyclone - N/A (page)
    SabreSpiderDaemonCycloneRuin - N/A (page)
    : Causes staggered hits rapidly.

Minions generally have poor critical strike capabilities, so critical strike supports are not as effective as they are with projectile spells. Good attack supports include:

  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Additional Accuracy": Improves minion accuracy greatly, removes the need for accuracy on gear, and quality gives extra critical strike chance.
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Attacks"
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Melee Splash": While it does not increase procs much due to the splash happening on a single frame, it greatly improves minion effectiveness.
  • Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Multistrike": For Melee attacks.

Most minions are severely capped in number and thus do not benefit much from the high proc rate of Cast On Critical Strike. However, there is one that works well:

  • Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Summon Raging Spirit". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    SummonRagingSpiritRoyale - Maximum 10 Summoned Raging Spirits, Base duration is 4.00 seconds, Minions deal 20% less Damage, Minions cannot Taunt Enemies (page)
    AshwakerSummonRagingSpiritOnKill - Maximum 20 Summoned Raging Spirits, Base duration is 5.00 seconds, 25% chance to Trigger this Spell on Kill, Minions deal 18% more Damage, Minions cannot Taunt Enemies (page)

Passives and gear

Since "double-dipping" on support gems is key to an effective Cast On Critical Strike setup, having a 5- or 6-link is more important than it is for most builds.

Unlike conventional attack builds, attack damage is not necessary on passives or gear, though it can be helpful in situations where the linked spells are less effective. Attack speed and critical strike chance are the two essential statistics. Top bases include:

Base item Normal crits/s Perfect crits/s
Thicket BowThicket BowBow
Physical Damage: 32-96
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Requires Level 56, 179 Dex
7.75% 13.58%
Harbinger BowHarbinger BowBow
Physical Damage: 50-133
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Requires Level 68, 212 Dex(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
9.00% 14.33%
Tiger's PawTiger's PawClaw
Physical Damage: 23-43
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 43, 88 Dex, 61 Int1.6% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
9.30% 16.30%
Physical Damage: 19-74
Critical Strike Chance: 6.10%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Dex, 113 Int30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
10.69% 18.73%
Karui SceptreKarui SceptreSceptre
Physical Damage: 37-55
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 56, 96 Str, 96 Int26% increased Elemental Damage
9.43% 16.52%
Physical Damage: 72-120
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 62, 113 Str, 113 Int+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
8.35% 14.73%
Corsair SwordCorsair SwordOne Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 20-80
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.55
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 58, 81 Str, 117 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy Rating
8.25% 14.46%
Jewelled FoilJewelled FoilOne Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 32-60
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
Requires Level 68, 212 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
8.50% 14.90%
Imbued WandImbued WandWand
Physical Damage: 29-53
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Requires Level 59, 188 Int(33-37)% increased Spell Damage
12.00% 21.03%

Possibly good uniques to use include:

Item Perfect crits/s
Death's HarpDeath's Harp
Death Bow
Physical Damage: (53.2-57.4) to (138.7-149.65)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Attacks per Second: 1.32
Requires Level 32, 107 Dex(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance(90-105)% increased Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
+50% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows
The mournful music of the strings,
The creaking arch, the arrow sings.
A choking cry, a rattled breath,
The Reaper's Song, the Harp of Death.
Royal Bow
Physical Damage: (26-30) to (76-80)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.59-1.65)
Requires Level 28, 95 Dex(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsAdds (12-16) to (20-24) Physical Damage
(10-14)% increased Attack Speed
60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Gain 100% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element
"Toasted or frozen
Or twitching in the light
I'm not fussy
And neither is Death."
- Koralus Doomfletch
Quill RainQuill Rain
Short Bow
Physical Damage: 12-32
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 3.00
Requires Level 5, 26 Dex+(10-20) to Dexterity
100% increased Physical Damage
100% increased Attack Speed
Grants 2 Mana per Enemy Hit
(50-100)% increased Projectile Speed
+(25-50) to Accuracy Rating
30% less Damage
"The rain of a thousand quills that whittle
present into past, life into death."
- Rigwald of the Ezomytes
Imperial Bow
Physical Damage: 29-117
Elemental Damage: (48-60) to (72-90), 1 to (120-150)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.00)%
Attacks per Second: (1.59-1.67)
Requires Level 66, 212 Dex(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsAdds (48-60) to (72-90) Cold Damage
Adds 1 to (120-150) Lightning Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
15% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Frozen Enemies
30% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Shocked Enemies
It hunts; as silent as falling snow, as deadly as the tempest.
Mortem MorsuMortem Morsu
Fright Claw
Physical Damage: (21-24) to (80.5-92)
Critical Strike Chance: 7.88%
Attacks per Second: 1.80
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 34, 61 Dex, 61 IntGrants 20 Life per Enemy Hit(75-100)% increased Physical Damage
20% increased Attack Speed
25% increased Critical Strike Chance
+40% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
(10-20)% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
25% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon
60% chance to Poison on Hit
Fear blisters the heart and thins the blood.
Fear squeezes lungs and sets the guts to fester.
Fear is the wound left untended.
Bino's Kitchen KnifeBino's Kitchen Knife
Slaughter Knife
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: (150-165) to (296-321)
Critical Strike Chance: (8.82-9.45)%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 65, 81 Dex, 117 Int30% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceAdds (140-155) to (210-235) Physical Damage
(40-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(15-25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(8-12)% to Chaos Resistance
On Killing a Poisoned Enemy, nearby Enemies are Poisoned
and nearby Allies Regenerate 200 Life per second
Calling it poison would imply
that it was even edible.
Ungil's GaucheUngil's Gauche
Boot Knife
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: (14.4-16) to (61.2-68)
Elemental Damage: 3-30
Critical Strike Chance: 6.30%
Attacks per Second: 1.59
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 20, 31 Dex, 45 Int30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance+12% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
+(10-20) to Dexterity
(80-100)% increased Physical Damage
Adds 3 to 30 Lightning Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Unwieldy and garish became graceful
and deadly in Ungil's nimble hands.
Imperial Skean
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: 18-73
Critical Strike Chance: 6.30%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 66, 95 Dex, 131 Int30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance(150-200)% increased Spell Damage
Gain (100-200) Life per Enemy Killed
Gain (50-100) Mana per Enemy Killed
30% increased Area of Effect
(200-250)% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells if you've Killed Recently
+(60-100)% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spells if you haven't Killed Recently
Divine intervention feels better
when you do it yourself.
War Hammer
One Handed Mace
Physical Damage: (19.5-22.75) to (46.5-54.25)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.25%
Attacks per Second: 2.10
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 20, 71 Str10% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold(50-75)% increased Physical Damage
45% increased Attack Speed
25% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
"I know how to say 'faster' and 'attack' in Karui, Marak and Ezo."
- Voll of Thebrus
Doryani's CatalystDoryani's Catalyst
Vaal Sceptre
Physical Damage: (102-122) to (170-230)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.55-1.61)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 75, 113 Str, 113 Int32% increased Elemental DamageSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Elemental Proliferation
Adds (65-85) to (100-160) Physical Damage
(11-15)% increased Attack Speed
(6-10)% increased Cast Speed
(30-40)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
0.2% of Elemental Damage Leeched as Life
(80-100)% increased Elemental Damage
The result of the catalytic reaction would be either immortality for all,
or death for all. It was a risk Doryani was willing to take.
Hegemony's EraHegemony's Era
Judgement Staff
Physical Damage: (208-218) to (296-311)
Critical Strike Chance: (7.15-7.80)%
Attacks per Second: (1.46-1.51)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Int+20% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff+6% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
Adds (135-145) to (160-175) Physical Damage
(12-16)% increased Attack Speed
(10-20)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
10% chance to gain a Power Charge if you Knock an Enemy Back with Melee Damage
The right to rule demands mental acuity,
a strong arm,
And a tenacious sense of justice.
Eternal Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (71-91) to (133-148)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.80-1.88)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 66, 104 Str, 122 Dex+475 to Accuracy RatingAdds (30-50) to (65-80) Physical Damage
(20-25)% increased Attack Speed
+(180-200) to Evasion Rating
3% increased Movement Speed
+(280-300) to Accuracy Rating
1% increased Attack Damage per 450 Evasion Rating
She dances a dance beneath the shade,
The twilight shroud her only blade,
Who now hears her feathersteps flowing?
Beneath the stars, the moondrops glowing.
Piscator's VigilPiscator's Vigil
Imbued Wand
Critical Strike Chance: (8.40-9.10)%
Attacks per Second: (1.65-1.77)
Requires Level 59, 188 Int(33-37)% increased Spell DamageNo Physical Damage
(10-18)% increased Attack Speed
(20-30)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(340-400) to Accuracy Rating
Attacks with this Weapon have (100-115)% increased Elemental Damage
Damage with Weapons Penetrates 5% Elemental Resistances
"Stone still, amidst the reeds,
breath fogging in the iron cold air.
he sits, he waits, he watches.
A piscatorial vigil, sat by the river,
his cathedral, his patience his unanswered prayer."
- Jojoba Mansell, bard, angler, adventurer

Version history

Version Changes
  • Cast on Critical Strike's cooldown has been increased from 0.01 seconds to 0.05 seconds.
  • The chance to cast has been reduced by a flat 20% at all levels.
  • Cast on Critical Strike now has a 10 millisecond cooldown. The chance to cast supported skills has been increased by a flat 20%.
  • The Cast on Crit support gem has been renamed to Cast on Critical Strike
  • Cast on Crit has been added to the game.