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Vagan, Weaponmaster offers missions to the player daily or when found in the wild. He gives reputation and favour as reward for completing these missions. Attempting the daily mission will also reset his store.

In the wild, Vagan can be encountered standing either out in the open or next to one of his mission areas. For daily missions, Vagan will open a portal that takes players directly into one of his mission areas.


Vagan has three types of missions.

Defeat Vagan

Vagan will become hostile to players when engaged and must be defeated.

Destroy more training dummies than Vagan

Dummies are hostile, non-aggressive monsters that continuously spawn once the mission has begun. Players must kill more dummies than Vagan can before time runs out.

During this type of mission
  • Vagan will automatically attempt to kill any and all dummies in sight.
  • He's NOT hostile toward players.
  • He won't be assisted by any companions or have access to a flask.

Defeat Vagan within the time limit

Once Vagan is engaged, players must kill him before time runs out.

Vagan's abilities

Vagan will use one of many possible weapon, attack skill, and spell combinations in combat. Usually, he'll also benefit from additional modifiers.


Vagan always has the following modifiers:

Fast Attacks
Resists Elemental Damage 1
Resists Chaos 1

He can also have one, or none, of the following additional modifiers:

Cold/Fire/Lightning Damage
Has a variation of Hatred/Anger/Wrath that only affects himself.
Enemies are Slowed
Has an aura that decreases enemy movement and attack speed by 25%.
Leeches Life
Has life leech.

1 Only in Cruel and Merciless difficulty.

Weapons and attack skills

Vagan's attack skills vary depending on the weapon(s) he's using.

Two-Handed Sword
One of the following:
  • Uses Spectral Throw, Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Vaal Spectral Throw". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileVaalThrownWeapon3 - Deals 30% less Damage, Fires 4 Projectiles in each of two mirrored spirals (page)
    ExileVaalThrownWeapon2 - Deals 30% less Damage, Fires 5 Projectiles in each of two mirrored spirals (page)
    , and Leap Slam.
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Double Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    AxisDoubleStrikeTrigger - N/A (page)
    MonsterDoubleStrike - N/A (page)
    , Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cleave". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BreachBossCleavePhysical - N/A (page)
    ArakaaliCleave - N/A (page)
    , and Leap Slam.
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cyclone". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    SabreSpiderDaemonCyclone - N/A (page)
    SabreSpiderDaemonCycloneRuin - N/A (page)
    and Leap Slam.
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Flicker Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BreachFlickerStrike - N/A (page)
    BreachFlickerStrikeChayula - N/A (page)
    , Frenzy, and Leap Slam.
Dual Wielding (Axe/Sword, Sword/Axe)
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Dual Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    AzmeriDualStrikeDemonDualStrike - N/A (page)
    DualStrikeRoyale - (50-77)% increased Critical Strike Chance, +(0-0.1) metres to Melee Strike Range, 100% more Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life, +30% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies that are on Full Life (page)
    , Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cleave". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BreachBossCleavePhysical - N/A (page)
    ArakaaliCleave - N/A (page)
    , and Leap Slam.
Dual Wielding (Thrusting Sword/Dagger)
One of the following:
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Dual Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    AzmeriDualStrikeDemonDualStrike - N/A (page)
    DualStrikeRoyale - (50-77)% increased Critical Strike Chance, +(0-0.1) metres to Melee Strike Range, 100% more Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life, +30% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies that are on Full Life (page)
    , Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Whirling Blades". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BoneGolemWhirl - N/A (page)
    HeistCultistUnarmedLeap - N/A (page)
    , and Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Puncture". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MonsterPuncture - +(112-197)% more Damage with Bleeding, Causes Bleeding (page)
    MonsterPunctureAtAnimationSpeedUnique - +(112-197)% more Damage with Bleeding, Causes Bleeding (page)
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Dual Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    AzmeriDualStrikeDemonDualStrike - N/A (page)
    DualStrikeRoyale - (50-77)% increased Critical Strike Chance, +(0-0.1) metres to Melee Strike Range, 100% more Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life, +30% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies that are on Full Life (page)
    , Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Whirling Blades". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BoneGolemWhirl - N/A (page)
    HeistCultistUnarmedLeap - N/A (page)
    , and Viper Strike.
One-Handed Mace
One of the following:
  • Uses Lightning Strike supported by Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Multistrike"/Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Greater Multiple Projectiles", Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Storm Call". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BeyondDemonFlameCallOnHit - Base duration is (2.00-1.50) seconds, Deals (7-1259) to (11-1889) Fire Damage (page)
    StrMissionStormCall1 - Base duration is (2.50-1.75) seconds, Deals (9-1183) to (13-1775) Fire Damage, (75-50)% reduced Cast Speed, 75% chance to Ignite enemies (page)
    supported by Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Trap", Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Fire Trap". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BarrelExplosionAtlas - Deals (0-100)% more Damage, Deals (776-1752) to (1164-2628) Fire Damage, 100% more Cast Speed (page)
    MonsterGroundFireSelfDaemon - Deals (2-105.4) Base Fire Damage per second, Base duration is 5.00 seconds (page)
    , Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Glacial Hammer". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    CityStalkerGlacialHammer - 10% chance to Freeze enemies, 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage (page)
    GlacialHammerRoyale - 10% chance to Freeze enemies, 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage, Every third successive strike Freezes enemies as though dealing (100-190)% more Damage, +(0.2-0.3) metres to Melee Strike Range, 35% increased Duration of Cold Ailments, (10-19)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments, Adds (3-20) to (4-30) Cold Damage against Chilled Enemies (page)
    , and Leap Slam.
  • Uses Elemental Hit and Leap Slam.
One-Handed Mace/Shield
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ground Slam". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    AxisBossGroundSlam - N/A (page)
    DropBearSummonedGroundSlam - N/A (page)
    and Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Shield Charge". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ProphecyRhoaShieldCharge - (10-20)% increased Attack Speed, 50% increased Stun Threshold reduction on enemies at Maximum charge distance, (20-10)% more Damage with Hits at Maximum Charge Distance, 100% increased Movement Speed, Gain 15% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage, Melee Hits Fortify (page)
    VaganShieldCharge - (10-20)% increased Attack Speed, 50% increased Stun Threshold reduction on enemies at Maximum charge distance, (20-10)% more Damage with Hits at Maximum Charge Distance, 50% increased Movement Speed (page)
One-Handed Sword/Shield
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cleave". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BreachBossCleavePhysical - N/A (page)
    ArakaaliCleave - N/A (page)
    supported by Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Multistrike", Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Double Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    AxisDoubleStrikeTrigger - N/A (page)
    MonsterDoubleStrike - N/A (page)
    , and Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Shield Charge". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ProphecyRhoaShieldCharge - (10-20)% increased Attack Speed, 50% increased Stun Threshold reduction on enemies at Maximum charge distance, (20-10)% more Damage with Hits at Maximum Charge Distance, 100% increased Movement Speed, Gain 15% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage, Melee Hits Fortify (page)
    VaganShieldCharge - (10-20)% increased Attack Speed, 50% increased Stun Threshold reduction on enemies at Maximum charge distance, (20-10)% more Damage with Hits at Maximum Charge Distance, 50% increased Movement Speed (page)
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Sweep". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileSweep - (50-100)% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit, (15-40)% increased Attack Speed, (12-24)% increased Physical Damage (page)
    WbLightningEliteSweep - 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage, 100% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit, 40% increased Attack Speed, 24% increased Physical Damage (page)
    , Molten Strike, and Leap Slam.
  • Uses Molten Strike supported by Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Multistrike", Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Heavy Strike". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    LegionKaruiHeavyStrike - Deals 50% more Damage, 30% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold (page)
    LegionKaruiHeavyStrike2H - Deals 50% more Damage, 30% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold (page)
    , and Leap Slam.
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Lightning Arrow". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    LightningArrowRoyale - 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage, (1-2) to (5-39) Added Lightning Damage, Hits up to 3 additional enemies near the target, Shocks Enemies as though dealing (100-145)% more Damage, (10-19)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments (page)
    LightningArrow - 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage, (1-9) to (13-179) Added Lightning Damage, Hits up to 3 additional enemies near the target, Shocks Enemies as though dealing (100-290)% more Damage (page)
    , Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Barrage". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileBarrageStrDexMasterAlly - Deals 50% less Damage, Fires Projectiles sequentially, Fires 12 additional Projectiles, 40% less Attack Speed (page)
    ExileBarrageStrDexMasterAlly2 - Deals 50% less Damage, Fires Projectiles sequentially, Fires 45 additional Projectiles, 75% less Attack Speed (page)
    , and Split Arrow.
  • None.

His weapons can occasionally have the Infernal Weapon Effect, which is a cosmetic Microtransaction available to players.


Vagan can use one, or none, of the following spells:

  • Casts Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Storm Call". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BeyondDemonFlameCallOnHit - Base duration is (2.00-1.50) seconds, Deals (7-1259) to (11-1889) Fire Damage (page)
    StrMissionStormCall1 - Base duration is (2.50-1.75) seconds, Deals (9-1183) to (13-1775) Fire Damage, (75-50)% reduced Cast Speed, 75% chance to Ignite enemies (page)
    (used repeatedly).
  • Casts Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Lightning Warp". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    LightningWarpHardMode - Deals (1-51) to (19-965) Lightning Damage, +(0-0.4) metres to radius, (0-19)% reduced Duration, Can queue up to 50 uses (page)
    LightningWarp - Deals (1-51) to (19-965) Lightning Damage, +(0-0.4) metres to radius, (30-49)% reduced Duration, Can queue up to 50 uses (page)
    (used repeatedly).

He can also create one, or none, of the following AoE effects:

  • Creates a permanent ring of Burning Ground (inflicts burning damage) around his starting position.
  • Creates a permanent ring of Shocking Ground (inflicts shock) around his starting position.
  • Creates a permanent ring of flames around his starting position that inflicts fire damage every second.
  • Creates a short duration Ice Storm at an enemy's location (similar to the spell used by Merveil's human form).


Occasionally, Vagan will exhibit significantly different behavior while in combat.

  • He will attempt to flee from players or dummies rather than fight them.
  • He will cause rocks to fall from the ceiling in a random pattern, each dealing high physical damage in a small area. (similar to the ability used by the Vaal Oversoul)
  • He will use a healing flask at low life (only occurs once).
  • He won't use any of his typical attacks or spells.

This can occur during any type of mission.

Other factors

Vagan always has access to one of the following:

  • Two random Vagan's Companions that help him fight players.
  • One healing flask that he'll use at low life (only used once).


In Cruel and Merciless difficulty, Vagan's Companions always have the following modifiers:

Resists Elemental Damage
Resists Chaos


One of the following:

Thrusting Sword and Shield
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Warlord's Mark". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    MonsterWarlordsMark - Base duration is 4.00 seconds, Cursed enemies grant 2% Life Leech when Hit by Attacks, Cursed enemies grant 2% Mana Leech when Hit by Attacks, Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when slain, Hits against Cursed Enemies have 40% chance to double Stun Duration (page)
    ArchnemesisWarlordsMark - Base duration is 4.00 seconds, Cursed enemies grant 2% Life Leech when Hit by Attacks, Cursed enemies grant 2% Mana Leech when Hit by Attacks, Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when slain, Hits against Cursed Enemies have 40% chance to double Stun Duration (page)
  • Uses a fire version of Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ice Nova". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BeyondDemonBlindNova - Blind enemies on hit, Base radius is 2.6 metres (page)
    TormentDaemonBlindNova - Blind enemies on hit, Base radius is 2.6 metres (page)
    that repeats.
  • Uses a version of Lightning Trap that can also create a stationary Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ball Lightning". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileBallLightningTrap - Deals (1-110) to (2-204) Lightning Damage, When your Traps Trigger, your nearby Traps also Trigger, Trap lasts +6 seconds, Traps are thrown randomly around targeted location, 200% reduced Projectile Speed, Throw up to (6-10) additional Traps, Base radius is 1.8 metres (page)
    StrMissionBallLightning - Deals (1-166) to (2-309) Lightning Damage, Totem lasts 8 seconds, Summons a Totem which uses this Skill, 50% increased Cast Speed, Base radius is 1.8 metres (page)
    when triggered.
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Barrage". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    ExileBarrageStrDexMasterAlly - Deals 50% less Damage, Fires Projectiles sequentially, Fires 12 additional Projectiles, 40% less Attack Speed (page)
    ExileBarrageStrDexMasterAlly2 - Deals 50% less Damage, Fires Projectiles sequentially, Fires 45 additional Projectiles, 75% less Attack Speed (page)
  • Uses Module Error: Too many skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Fire Trap". Please choose only one of the following ids:
    BarrelExplosionAtlas - Deals (0-100)% more Damage, Deals (776-1752) to (1164-2628) Fire Damage, 100% more Cast Speed (page)
    MonsterGroundFireSelfDaemon - Deals (2-105.4) Base Fire Damage per second, Base duration is 5.00 seconds (page)
Dagger and Shield