Blastchain Mine Support: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 07:24, 15 February 2013

Template:Gem Infobox When this support gem is linked to a skill, it changes the skill so that instead of the player casting the skill directly, the player instead lays a mine. A detonation skill then becomes available, which can be used to detonate the mine. Detonating the mine cause the mine to cast the skill it is linked to, and the mine is destroyed.

It is important to note that it is the mine that casts the skill, not the player, meaning the skill will not be affected by any modifiers that would normally apply if it were the player casting the spell. This includes any damage or cast speed bonuses from passive skills and equipment, buffs affecting the player, etc. The exception to this is that when Remote mine is linked to an attack skill, the mine is considered to be using whatever weapon you are wielding. Only ranged weapons can be used with Remote Mine attack skills, not melee weapons.

This also means that any negative effects that might result from casting the skill affect the mine, not the player. For instance if the mine damages a monster that has damage reflection, the damage will be reflected back onto the mine, not the player.

When detonated, a mine with a skill that targets an enemy will find the closest enemy within the trigger radius, and target that. The trigger radius can be increased by Trap and Mine Trigger Radius modifiers. The trigger radius itself is not considered an area of effect and will not be affected by area of effect modifiers. If a mine that requires a target is triggered while there are no enemies within its trigger radius, the skill will be cast in a random direction.

The detonation skill is considered a spell, and is therefore affected by cast speed. However the Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Faster Casting" gem will not affect the detonation skill, because it part of neither the mine nor the skill Remote Mine is linked to. Faster Casting will increase the speed that the mine casts spells.

Mines themselves are not considered spells (even mines that cast spells), so laying a mine cannot be sped up by cast speed modifiers. It is instead affected by Trap and Mine Laying Speed modifiers.

For a brief time after being laid, mines are visible to the enemy. They cannot be targeted directly but are vulnerable to Area of Effect damage. Since mines have only 1 life, they will be destroyed by any area of effect damage they take.

A player can have a maximum of five mines laid at one time. This maximum is shared among all mine skills, if you are using more than one type of mine. Laying a sixth mine will cause the oldest active mine to be destroyed, without detonating.

Auras, and other spells that require being turned on for a duration, cannot be put on traps or mines.

When Remote Mine is linked in combination with the Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Trap" and Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Spell Totem" or Module Error: No skills found with q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Ranged Attack Totem" gems, the result is a skill that lays a mine. When the mine is detonated, it lays a trap. When the trap is sprung, it casts a totem, which then can cast the linked skill.

Gem Leveling

Template:GemLevelTable |- ! 1 | 31 || 23 || 33 || 30% || 40.0s || 5 || 179,320 |- ! 2 | 33 || 24 || 35 || 31% || 40.0s || 5 || 225,766 |- ! 3 | 35 || 25 || 37 || 32% || 40.0s || 5 || 282,073 |- ! 4 | 37 || 27 || 39 || 33% || 40.0s || 5 || 349,759 |- ! 5 | 39 || 28 || 40 || 34% || 40.0s || 5 || 431,204 |- ! 6 | 41 || 29 || 42 || 35% || 40.0s || 5 || 528,465 |- ! 7 | 43 || 31 || 44 || 36% || 40.0s || 5 || 644,165 |- ! 8 | 45 || 32 || 46 || 37% || 40.0s || 5 || 782,325 |- ! 9 | 47 || 33 || 48 || 38% || 40.0s || 5 || 945,554 |- ! 10 | || || || || || || |- ! 11 | || || || || || || |- ! 12 | || || || || || || |- ! 13 | || || || || || || |- ! 14 | || || || || || || |- ! 15 | || || || || || || |- ! 16 | || || || || || || |- ! 17 | || || || || || || |- ! 18 | || || || || || || |- ! 19 | || || || || || || |- ! 20 | || || || || || || class="table-na" style="text-align: center; " | N/A |}

Gem Quality

Each percentage of quality adds +0.5% More Mine Damage.

Version History

Version Changes 0.9.13e
  • Fixed a bug where Remote Mines that fire Projectiles would not target enemies properly.
  • Remote Mine has been added to the game.